Friday, April 1, 2011


So I decided to start this blog as a way to keep up with the many changes and accomplishments of our family. Blogs are the new way to record family history for future generations. With that said, I'll start with a little background on the family as it stands now.

Scott and I are the proud parents to 2 amazing children, Iris and Matthew.
Iris is 8 1/2 going on 18. I call her my Mini-me since she's almost as good a mother to Matthew as I am. She is bright and energetic, fun-loving and very helpful. She loves animals (especially cats). She is the perfect mix of girly-girl and tom-boy, she loves to get dressed up in dresses that twirl and she also loves to be outdoors riding her bike and helping Scott in the garden.
Matthew is almost 5 months old and has started teething, which means he's really fussing most days. He is very lively, loves to smile and "laugh". He loves to be playfully tossed around, especially liking it when Scott tosses him in the air and catches him. He has recently been given the opportunity to play in a Johnny Jump Up and loves to bounce around and spin in circles.
Scott and I have been married for almost 3 years now. We currently live in Murfreesboro while Scott finishes his degree at MTSU. He will graduate in August. He is also working part-time at Publix. I'm a stay-at-home mom, spending all day with my children is truly a blessing. I'm able to bond with Matthew and help Iris with her school work when she gets home from school. We are able to sit down as a family for dinner most nights which I believe will make a huge impact on our children lives.

Well I guess that gets us up-to-date on our family. I'll hopefully be able to post pictures and things later. But for now Matthew is crying for me to pick him up and make him feel better.... I sure do hope his teeth come in soon!!!!

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